To place an order with Swiss3D, please use our online calculator. If your model cannot be printed in one piece due to its size or if the delivery time is extended, we will inform you immediately by e-mail or telephone. Alternatively, send your model and the desired material by e-mail to so that we can discuss the details of your request directly with you.
Printing materials: PLA / ASA / PETG / Special
The standard size of our print area is 25 x 25 x 25 cm. All models within these standard sizes are usually printed and shipped. Two options are available for larger models:
- Option 1: Printing on a large format printer
- Size options: We offer prints up to the dimensions 40 cm x 35 cm x 50 cm.
- Printing technology: These are printed on our special large format printer.
- Delivery time: For large-format prints, the delivery time is extended to around 20 days.
- Option 2: Modular printing
- Size options: For particularly large models or models that are needed quickly, we put together several individual parts, each measuring up to 25 x 25 cm.
- Joints: The parts are joined with dowels and glue, which can lead to visible seams and potentially reduce the stability of the model.
SLA printing process
- Maximum size: We can print models up to a size of 1.7 m x 90 cm x 80 cm.
- Expandability: Larger dimensions are possible by combining several segments.
Contact and further information
Our service enables the realization of projects on a small and large scale with various materials. For further information and special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us.